
Physical Exercise

Asanas involve very little or no movement and are maintained for some time. Exercises involve repetitive movements.
Asanas consume minimum energy, the caloric requirement varying from 0-.8 to 3 calories per minute. Exercises consume more energy, the caloric requirement varying from 3 to 20 calories per minute.
Asanas bring optimum tone in the muscles and affect the mind to become tranquil. Exercises affect the body mainly and can lead to hypertone depending upon the intensity of exercise.
Asanas can be advantageously practiced by old people and even by heart patients. Physical Exercises are prohibited for the heart patients and have limitations for the elderly persons.
Practice of Asanas leads to freshness by removing physical lethargy. Exercises lead to fatigue and may not be suitable for all persons.
Asanas do no increase the muscles mass but improve the muscle tone and functioning of the vital organs by increasing the blood circulation in the abdominal organs. Physical Exercises being of the nature of the contraction of the muscle increase the muscle mass.
Asanas keep the spine flexible and joints supple. Exercises can bring the rigidity of the joint sand in the spine.
In Asanas, the emphasis is on slow stretching which is static in nature. Exercises being of the nature of repetitive movements, the stretch is seldom held.
In adopting and maintaining the Asanas, there is a co-ordination between the nervous system and the muscular system through the tonic reflex system. Exercises being jerky there is a tendency to force the body to certain extent. There is a lack of reciprocation between the body and brain.
Courtesy – National Institute of Naturopathy (Under Health Ministry).

1.Stress Relief

2.Pain Relief

3.Better Breathing


5.Weight Loss

6.Inner Peace

7.Arrest Hair Loss

8.Improved Beauty & Personality

9.Improved Concentration & Memory Skills

10.Improver Circulation, maintaining adequate
Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate

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